A Day in the Life of a Media Archivist

May 2024: A day in the life of Alex, a news and sports media archivist

As a previous student at Newcastle University, I had studied English Literature for my undergraduate degree and had then pursued my master’s degree in Film: Theory and Practice. Now, I work as a news and sports media archivist – join me for a day in the life of a media archivist at BBC Newcastle, where every moment is filled with excitement and dedication to preserving regional history and storytelling magic!

As a news and sports archivist, my role revolves around ensuring that the vibrant tapestry of stories from my region remains accessible and alive for both present and future audiences. From the crackling reels of early broadcasts to the lightning-fast pace of today’s digital age, each day brings a whirlwind of tasks and challenges.

I start my day by diving into our treasure trove of media assets, ranging from film tapes to cutting-edge digital recordings. The goal? To digitize, catalogue, and archive these gems, ensuring that every story, every interview, every moment is captured for posterity. It’s like being a time-traveling curator, bridging the past, present, and future with every click of the mouse.

In our fast-paced world of news and media, there’s no such thing as a typical day. From liaising with journalists and producers to managing our bustling server, every moment is a chance to ensure that our library remains a dynamic hub of knowledge and creativity.

One moment, I’m meticulously cataloguing the day’s broadcasts, capturing key details and shot lists with laser precision. The next, I’m orchestrating server management, ensuring that our digital shelves are stocked with the latest and greatest content while making room for the stories yet to come.

Whether it’s fielding enquiries from curious minds or anticipating the next big event or anniversary, my role as a media archivist is as much about connecting with people as it is about preserving content. After all, behind every story lies a community, a history, a heartbeat.

The tools of the trade may have evolved since the early days of television, but one thing remains constant: our passion for regional news and storytelling. From the bustling streets of Newcastle to the serene shores of Cumbria, the BBC are here to celebrate the people, places, and moments that make our corner of the world truly special.

So, if you ever find yourself wondering what goes on behind the scenes of your favourite news broadcast or podcast, just remember: behind every headline, there’s a dedicated team of archivists, preserving the past and shaping the future, one story at a time.

Our next big project on the horizon is to digitize everything for a streamlined library experience. You see, while our collection of tapes and machines has served us well over the years, they’re starting to show their age. Some are even beginning to corrode, reminding us that they were never meant to last forever.

At the BBC we are rolling up our sleeves and diving headfirst into the digital age. By converting our entire archive into digital format, we’ll not only preserve these precious memories for generations to come but also ensure that they remain easily accessible in our ever-evolving world.


Do you have any questions for Alex? If so, you can submit any questions in the comment box below and Alex will answer them.

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